World Bank Fragility Forum
In this presentation on the intersections of organized crime and conflict in North Africa and the Sahel, I consider the role that illicit economies have played in sustaining the operations of armed Chadian rebel groups.
Conflict, Coping and Covid Report Launch
In this report launch, I present my research on Niger and Chad, mapping human smuggling trends and dynamics between 2019 and 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
INVITÉ AFRIQUE - Radio France International
Invité Afrique pour RFI: Rebelles de l'UFR frappé par la France: «Pourquoi aucune force armée tchadienne ne les a arrêtés?»
Podcast: Human Smuggling and COVID-19
Podcast I participated in speaking about human smuggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Soldiers of Fortune Report Launch
In this report launch, I make the case for the need to provide a safe corridor for Chadian fighters to return to Chad to prevent further destabilisation of the wider Sahel and Central Sahara region. The presentation was timed to coincide with the Chadian government's ‘national dialogue’ discussing the future of rebel armed groups in Chad.
Human Conveyor Belt Broken Report Launch
In this report launch, I explained key changes that took place in the human smuggling economies in Libya, Niger, Chad and Mali between 2015 and 2018.
Podcast: Changing Trafficking Dynamics in the Sahel
Podcast I participated in speaking about the impact of stricter border security on human smuggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Podcast: The Death of Déby
Podcast I participated in speaking about the impact of the Death of President Idriss Déby.